Thursday, April 16, 2009


Well..I have had a really great week. I think a lot of it has to do with the fabulous weather. I was telling a sister about a project that I have been working on, and feeling guilty that I haven't been working inside more, on things I "should" do. She said " should is a dangerous word!" Isn't that true! My project has kept me physical, it is improving our home(the outside part), my little people climbed and explored, and it is making me feel very happy...So, no more guilt...I am just going to enjoy working on my project. Here it is...

So this is the story--We have a "garage/shed/barn" behind our house. It is pretty sad, but usable. We worked very hard last year on the inside of the house, and building a chicken/duck home in our shed. The back of the shed was loaded with old nasty rolls of carpet, tires, oodles of broken name it, our personal junk yard left by the previous owners-tons of some invasive vine too.

So the other day, we obtained new critters, two ducks and four chickens, and we hope to get six more chickens soon. I went out to clean out the coop and got caught up in cleaning out behind the shed. I went in the other day, so pleased with all my work. I went out today, and realized that a lot of my pleasure was derived in what I see in my minds eye, rather than what is there, so use your imagination!.

Behind the rock wall, we want to develop a yard of grass, and if you can see the little curve in the land, make a little privacy fence(our neighbors don't like our chickens, and it would be nice to have a little barrier there), and a bench or two in front. In front of the rock wall, I want a little shade garden, edged with brick or something. Then, just in front of the coop, a little stone pathway..Fun!

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