Thursday, April 9, 2009

Can you see how pretty these are? Another silly thing I think I will do from time to time is find things I like and that represent who I am...because this is about discovering myself..right?! I often don't get things because money is tight and everyone else comes first...but that doesn't mean I can't think about what I like and want someday.

I had a breathless and way to short trip to Church street on Tuesday. I was there for my boys doctor's appts...and one of them wanted to go to Old Navy. I has a moment(literally a moment) to myself, and I went into this store of eye candy...Zinnias. This one jewelry artist caught my eye. The trade name is Sierra. (the pretties above are made by this artist) of the fellas was in severe pain, and very intolerant, so I was only there enough to realize that it felt like something stirred within me...When I go to church, I feel spiritual stirrings...I guess I could call these artistic stirrings. I am not myself an artist, but I do love beautiful things...Someday I would like to decorate myself!!

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