As sisters we joined one Sabbath Day,
To sing, to talk, to learn and pray.
Sweet voices raised in joyful song,
Declare the truth, both loud and strong.
“Joseph Smith, That Prophet and Seer,
Kings Extol and Nations Revere.”
Now faithful sisters testify!
Who was this man who had to die?
A husband
A father
A friend
A seer
A missionary
A mortal man
An example
A brother
A prophet
We shared and testified throughout that hour,
Basking in the Spirit’s power.
Love your Brethren and your Sisters
Give your life, your heart to Father
Serve, preserving one’s dignity
Redeem the dead, join families
In all things act with humility
Decisions make with Deity
Turn to God in times of trial
How glorious are our true friends
We concluded, humble and hushed,
Pondering truths solidified.
Joseph Smith Restored the Gospel!
Share this truth! Live by his example!
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