Monday, June 8, 2009

You know...I just am not good at keeping goals. Why is that? I sometimes feel that it is a chronic failure on my part. I just can't figure out how to do it. Spineless, I say, spineless.

So, rather than dwell on that failure, I am going to post some things that I have accomplished that I feel good about.

I have created a little herb garden out the front far I have planted basil(they are soooo tiny), parsley(also tiny),
chives(huge and happy),

a few onions, a bit of lettuce and some lavender. I bought it as a "bareroot" plant. It came in a bag, packed loosely with shavings and peat moss, and I just shook it out a bit and tucked it in the ground. You can see the new growth, all green and fresh. I hope it will be happy in my garden, for I love lavender.

I also turned over a garden out back. Our veggie garden just wasn't big enough last year, so I decided that this little spot would be an addition. I believe that it was a garden once before, because I have found quite a few peonies and bulbs as I worked through it. It did get a quick run over with the rototiller, but I had to turn it all by hand, because the rototiller just didn't really do a bit. I pulled out dozens of huge rocks and clumps of asphalt.( I think that our back yard was created of fill) So now it is planted with tons of yellow beans, cuke and cantalopes, tomatoes and peppers.

I also finished a puzzle, really not a pretty one, but the boys picked it out and started it, and I finished it. I didn't know that I liked doing puzzles, but I do.

Oops, back to this garden. If you notice, there is a patch of grass...I am still working on one corner, it is going to be my transplant spot for a few peonies that are still hidden in the grass, as well as some Mums that my grandfather gave me. I have planted a few in a front garden(above), but I am not sure what to do with these new ones, so they will go into a "holding garden." (below)

I also created a little bed of lily of the valley, curtesy of donations from my mother and grandfather. They are snuggled up under the cedars and pine trees that edge our property. I hope they will be happy.

I have also been tending my chickens and duck(one duck left us, we aren't sure how). I built a "night box" to put the chickens in, because we have had such a problem with predators. I should say I altered a wooden box that was left on our property, to make it a happy home for my ladies.

Also, I have been tending little treasures found around the old gardens. I am very excited that perhaps this year the lilies will bloom. Last year they were devestated by slugs. This year they were in grave danger because of "red lily leaf beetles." I finally caved and had my dear husband buy some poison. There are actually buds!

And, please notice the pansies given as a house warming gift from my grandparents...rebloomed this year!

1 comment:

  1. see if this works. I love how you love and enjoy all of the little creations there are to enjoy in the world. You have such a tender heart and a profound ability to nurture.
