Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Golden moment

I just don't know about this new blogger.  I find it a bit confusing! 

Yesterday was a long and noisy day.  Mondays are always tricky...and this happened to be a day when school was closed...so busier than usual. However, we plugged through the day, and finally made it outside.  Outside always provides some relief, as my little busy friends finally have enough space to run and climb and yell...and I don't feel so attacked by noise and anxious about protecting them from each other!

It is always a bit busy, reminding them of outside rules and expectations, sorting out toy squabbles..etc.  But yesterday...suddenly there was a moment when they settled in.  They were all playing cooperatively..the sound of their laughter was set against the crisp whisper of the wind in the trees...and it was magic.  It seemed as if time slowed down, golden and sweet.  A few moments to breathe deeply of the rich, spicy, warm air of a glowing autumn afternoon, and be grateful!

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